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Modular conveyors to pen

Nastro trasportatore penna applicazioneWith the new technology of construction of the modular ribbons, the Scame is realizing some modular conveyors to pen, setting so a second constructive choice when the client has the necessity to transport products of small dimensions. The constructive form of the form, allows a passage between pen-pen or pen-bench of load of 18 mm allowing so the passage of a product with a length of 30 mm.

The modular ribbon offers an elevated range of use, from the food sector to the textile one up to the sector goldsmith etc…

The nasris modular conveyors to pen can be so a valid alternative to the traditional ribbons pen conveyors with clothr.



Scame srl | Viale del Lavoro, 11 - 36030 Monte di Malo (Vicenza) | Tel. +39 0445 581569 | Fax +39 0445 584218 | E-mail: | P.I. 01941050245 | REA 0195292 | Registro Imprese VI01941050245 | Cap. Soc. I.V. € 96.900,00 | fatto da Agenzia di Web Marketing Vicenza | Mappa del sito | Privacy policy per clienti e fornitori | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy